Wednesday, March 28, 2018

It's my Birthday!

Today on my birthday, the only feeling I have towards everyone is ‘GRATITUDE’.

I would like to take a moment and THANK each and everyone in my life for making it the way it is today. ‘SPECTACULAR’ is how I would define it for myself.

I want all my family and friends - new and old - to know that each one of you’ll play a significant role in my existence. And thank you for all who motivate me so much in life to be the way I am, accept me the way I am and love me for it.

You all need to know how much this all means to me. It does. And I will do my best to be there for you all whenever you’ll may need me, in happiness and in crisis or just like that at 3am if you like hanging out at unearthly hours.

And a special thanks to my Mumma who takes all the credit by being an amazing mother she has been.
And my Pappa without whom I wouldn’t have been the way I am.

And lastly I did thank the person who means more to me than I can comprehend: Anup 💋

This birth day is just like any other day.
But it’s special because I get to THANK YOU ALL!


!! Check out my Podcast for this blog here !!

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Social Media

Social Media.... Podcast

The latter half of 2017 I was able to get away from all the social media posts I was creating.

I restricted myself to post things only on one of the social media site and abandoned all the others. I also made sure I am checking my Facebook only twice a day; once sometime in the mornings and then at the end of the day.

All this because I was wasting too much time on it and realised how much more I could do if I didn’t.

Also, because I wanted to see if I could keep myself away from it and not collapse.

Two things happened amidst this:
1. I realised it was an addiction and I was capable of surpassing it with just a weeks conscious effort.
2. I took up a lot of new things I wanted to do and was able to manage pretty well.

This was 2017. 
On the eve of 2018 I resumed my social media posts but with a twist.

Now I am not wasting time on it as I did before.
I am posting things related to Spanish learnings on my page @ALilSpanishForAll, my blogs, my cookings and other hobbies.

And I still check my Facebook only twice a day.

So my learnings here were: instead of blaming the social media sites for wasting our time, take the responsibility on yourself and make things work for you.

PS: I am not scared of AI (Artificial Intelligence) taking over and analysing my every move in the future.
If you know what I am talking about.

Chao for now!

!! Check out my Podcast for this blog here !!

Monday, February 12, 2018

A daughter to her father

All she saw was the sun’s emerging light and its warmth, wide across her face.
The day had begun....
The first day the daughter stepped into a new country. The place that she had in her dreams and wanted to touch the land.

A majestic land.

How beautiful it would be she thought to live in the land she adored so much and how extraordinary it would be to speak the language she felt she always knew and had learned with so much vigour.


Her father let her go and explore her wishes.
Her father made it happen for her.

He was proud of her and she didn’t disappoint him.


!! Check out my Podcast for this blog here !!
A daughter to her father Podcast

Sunday, February 4, 2018

The next 10 years of my life


Taking control of my own life is something that I think of at least once a day. But there’s always this one thought coming from no where that takes me away from my ‘taking control of my life’ thought. Well, that’s called a distraction! Rather I would call it a ‘destructive thought’.

Doesn’t that happen to all of us??

If yes, then do comment in the comment section below and if No, then do so because I would love to know / learn what are you doing to hold on to your ‘take control of your life’ thought.

So here’s the solution to our appearing to be very small problem but indeed a life changing thing if taken care of:

1. Let’s have this ‘take control of my life’ thought atleast 4 times a day during or before we do our most important task of the day - 

a. During or before Breakfast
b. During or before Lunch
c. During or before evening tea/coffee/snack
d. During or before Dinner

All the blogs that I have read so far on improving our life’s and changing things in our life, living our life’s to the fullest - have always asked me to either get up early or sleep on time or think something when you wake up or write before I sleep, etc.

No offence to any of these ideas and they are brilliant but what if I just can’t do it. What if I can’t get up early everyday, what if the only thought I have when I do wake up is to get ready as soon as possible with the best outfit for the day, the weather check and what to make for breakfast and NOT BE LATE (yes, I HATE being LATE) oh, for the first time I realised that rhymes - ok, that’s not important.

Perhaps, we can use the worlds most easiest thing to do - i.e. TO THINK into thinking about ‘taking control of our life’s’ which means:

a. How can we bring the best of ourselves in our day-to-day tasks?
b. Is there anything new that I want to do in life or should I?

Now, LIST everything that comes in your mind when you ask yourself the above two questions. And remember that list during those 4 times in a day I mentioned above.

That’s it!
You will have your answers and trust me your subconscious mind will make the magic happen you have been waiting for a very VERY long time.

So let me know if this works because it has been for me for a while now. And I have met some beautiful souls for whom this has been working too.

It almost seems MAGICAL !

And as rightly said - MAGIC IS EVERYWHERE !

Have a magical day you all!

And thank you very much for reading.

Don’t forget to share and give a thumbs up and spread the magic across the masses.


P.S: The next 10 years of my life is going to be enhanced and changed by the above tricks I have already started showing to the WORLD! TADAA !!

!! Check out my Podcast for this blog here !!

Saturday, January 27, 2018


Amidst all the chaos and in the race of being perfect all the time, ACCEPTANCE is what maintains the balance. The BALANCE that is so important in ones life.

Who said, we are meant to be perfect! No one! Sooner you accept this beautiful thought, the better you will live.

But perfection can be like an addiction. Once things go right or according to your way, you just can’t accept if it wavers a little midway. This is where one needs to understand that perfection is a disillusion. 

We humans were never meant to be perfect. We were meant to be as complex and as labyrinthine as possible. Just as rightly said, there cannot be day without night or light without dark. It’s the Yang to its Yin. 

Embrace, this feeling of acceptance whenever life throws it at you. And keep that chin up and strong heart in place.

I don’t know why I end up writing motivational blogs every time. Maybe it keeps me going that way. Although, it would be great to know if it sent out that positive vibe to the ones reading too.

Acceptance be hold!

P.S: to the Yang to its Yin !

!! Check out my Podcast for this blog here !!

Sunday, January 21, 2018

My Mother told me once...

My mother told me once, “don’t you back down ever, if people out there who came from backgrounds that were unsuitable for growth and made it that big, made something out of themselves and are bringing change in the world then you are the privileged one.

You have always received all the support you asked for and therefore you can absolutely make something out of yourself and be a significant contributor to this world.”

“President” is the word she had used, a very heavy word indeed!

It’s very difficult for me to write something so personal but here I am today saying out loud and clear, that’s the aim. I am still mincing my words, circling around the bush to say it out loud.

Yes, my mother told me, “if anything you can be then own this world, go be a President, you can do it.”
I still haven’t worked my way around it, but I will because I am already on my path.

I hope to make her proud someday soon!

Happy days all!

!! Check out my Podcast for this blog here !!

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Writing is FUN !!

There I go, I accept the fact that it's fun to write down things, have them recorded as pod casts in your own voice and publish it.

It has some thrill I must say, atleast in the beginning. So that's one of my new-try-out THING for 2018.

All this because I got gifted a beautiful microphone over the Christmas and have no idea for what should I use it, except for my YouTube channel which has not been very active for a while now as my focus has shifted to something else at the moment. Career Enhancement and stuff, you know.

Well, I am not a gifted singer as well so here it goes, I am going to write some weekly blogs over the coming 52 weeks of 2018, try and publish them every week-Hopefully (fingers crossed) and have them recorded so that you readers can get a feel of the blog with a little bit of realness to it. 

I am not sure who will be reading this, why they would be reading this and if they will even like what they would be reading here but I am sure about one thing, that if I pull this off over this year, it would be more than an accomplishment for me.

At the back of my mind, I have always wanted to do this but never had the courage to do it outright. I don' care how cliched this sounds but this year I am going to make it happen !

It's time for some CHANGE baby!

iAdios amigos!
More in week 3.
Untill then, have a great week and keep rocking!

!! Check out my Podcast for this blog here !!

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Hi, it's ME again !

I love my daily morning routine! Office routine to be specific.

As soon as I land at my desk I have those specific things that I take out of my bag and put inside my desk drawers and have my notebook out, jot down the daily tasks with the date written in Spanish! I taste the water in my water bottle from the day before (not weird at all - trust me), have my current novel sit right besides my laptop in front of me making sure I have it in view all day, although I can't read it as obviously duh uh I am working.

I have my charger plugged into the plug point, ready for my Iphones ever dying battery! ya, tell me about it, you Iphone lovers!
Life is such I must tell! I don't even know why have I even started writing. Maybe I feel the world might be interested in my life story. So here I am, finally taking the leap of courage. The courage to pour out my heart in words and letters!

I am not sure how diligent I would be in writing my morning blog on day-to-day or weekly basis but I am sure going to try hard.
Let me know if you are enjoying it so that I only become more glued to my 2018 writing goal. 
Gentle Warning here: I ain't a writer. Just trying to be a good story teller. And what is better than writing your own.

Welcome to the daily / weekly scoop from Namz's Life!
Chao for now.(Happy me, Happy you!)

!! Check out my Podcast for this blog here !!

It's my Birthday!

Today on my birthday, the only feeling I have towards everyone is ‘GRATITUDE’. I would like to take a moment and THANK each and e...