Wednesday, March 28, 2018

It's my Birthday!

Today on my birthday, the only feeling I have towards everyone is ‘GRATITUDE’.

I would like to take a moment and THANK each and everyone in my life for making it the way it is today. ‘SPECTACULAR’ is how I would define it for myself.

I want all my family and friends - new and old - to know that each one of you’ll play a significant role in my existence. And thank you for all who motivate me so much in life to be the way I am, accept me the way I am and love me for it.

You all need to know how much this all means to me. It does. And I will do my best to be there for you all whenever you’ll may need me, in happiness and in crisis or just like that at 3am if you like hanging out at unearthly hours.

And a special thanks to my Mumma who takes all the credit by being an amazing mother she has been.
And my Pappa without whom I wouldn’t have been the way I am.

And lastly I did thank the person who means more to me than I can comprehend: Anup 💋

This birth day is just like any other day.
But it’s special because I get to THANK YOU ALL!


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It's my Birthday!

Today on my birthday, the only feeling I have towards everyone is ‘GRATITUDE’. I would like to take a moment and THANK each and e...