Wednesday, January 4, 2017


I don't think so there could have been a better start to year 2017 for me. Our trek to Munnar top station from Kurangani Camp post, a small village at the border of Tamil Nadu & Kerala was one of the most exhilarating experience I have had in my life. The beautiful sunrise after we camped the previous night amidst the tea leaves plantation was one heck of a tale like episode we got to experience.

Although I truthfully admit that while I climbed the steep trails of the mountain for more than 12kms in height I swore I wouldn't be torturing my body like this ever again. But after the entire climb and descend I feel like a completely different person, all the things that I got to know about myself, the rush that I felt of reaching the top, the stamina that I possess, how much I am capable of and not, and endless such things.

That moment when you are no more afraid of looking down but only are admiring the view and the beautiful green mountains, that moment when you give up but stand up the next moment to ascend and that moment when you have completed your trek and get a sense of utmost achievement is something worth treasuring for lifetime.

I swore I wouldn't be going for such treks ever again but now when I have been there and done it I somehow feel the urge of doing this and more again. But this time I would train myself better for such rigorous climbs.

This trek might seem like an average climb for trekkers but trust me it was more than an accomplishment for a non-trekker. Now I understand why trekkers want to do this, I do get it now!

I want to THANK ALL OF THE NEW FRIENDS I MADE among the group-Ranga, Chakravarthy, Tarun, Manohar & Bala, for letting us not fall and guide at every step and my chuddy-buddies Abha & Sneha for making this happen. THANKYOU Arun for being such an inspiration.

Now let's get into some details:
To begin with I would like you'll to have your imagination cap on for all of the below:
  • We thought it's going to be a leisure trip where in we would be traversing through the lush green pastures of tea plantation in the Munnar valleys. We were handed our packed lunch by our bilingual local guide named Pradeep. When I say bilingual it means he was well versed in Malayalam & Tamil both languages and English as well to some extent for very obvious reasons as I said before that we were at the Tamil Nadu & Kerala border.
  • As the ascend commenced, it felt very exciting but as and when the climb progressed that's when our stamina levels showed it's ugly face and we had to succumb to exhaustion but the succumb could be only for 10 minutes maximum as we had to keep up with our group.
  • Slowly and gradually I started to think about all that I could be doing instead of spending my new year in sweat and no where to go but drown myself in exhaustion by the trek and camp. My brain started flashing lovely pictures of jet skiing & cruising and leisure resorts that could make u a lazy bum most of the times but you still can't deny that type of pampering for yourself.
  • Then came a moment when I wanted to give up and stop where I was but didn't have the freedom of choice as this is something one should have thought about at the start of the climb.
  • Well, after all this came the final point where we reached the top station and had tea/coffee and snack and trust me everything tastes yummy after such climbs.
  • And the view is only better once you reach the top. More than anything the sense of accomplishment is worth the climb.
  • Now came the second trek towards our camp site which we had to traverse through the Munnar tea plantation valleys. The guide told us it would be 10 minutes away but it wasn't and was much longer than estimated. Also the trek details that comes up in google is not accurate. PLEASE NOTE: It's a climb of 10kms and 2kms towards your camping site if you are camping amidst the tea plantations. So I wouldn't be suggesting this trek for absolute amateurs as it could be demotivating and difficult.
  • Also, we felt that people who came there with other regular trekking groups were misinformed about the difficulty of the trek. A wrong impression about climbing amidst the tea gardens was also made as the tea garden trek is only for 2kms maximum. So please bare in mind it's an initial steep climb of 10.1km with no sign of tea gardens in view point as this climb commences from Tamil Nadu border and goes up to Munnar valley in Kerala. All this is nowhere to be seen in your normal google search which was misleading to not only us but many others who camped that day with us. We totally felt that the camp was oversold than reality.
  • For amateur trekkers a week or two weeks prior training would work fine for such treks. Also, don't forget to enjoy the waterfall that you will get to dip in on your way up and down. It's quite refreshing and would serve as a temporary spa feeling to your strained body.
  • The most hectic part of our trek was our travel to the camp post from Mysore. We took train from Mysore railway station to Bangalore(3hrs) - bus from Bangalore to Theni bus stop(11hrs) - bus from Theni to Bodi(1hr) - bus from Bodi to Kurangani Camp Post(30min) and followed the same while returning home. So a total travel of approximately 17hrs one way. Too much right!
  • I think so I have said enough about my experience and what could have gone right or wrong. The sense of myself that I have achieved by this experience was worth every step I took on those valleys. I hope each one of you reading this may have such beautiful soul inspiring experiences in your life's. Since you are reading this blog I am assuming your heart already has the desire to do something crazy and adventurous already. Don't just let it be a thought, make it a reality. It's worth the try.

Some suggestions to be kept in mind:

  • Eat light(carrots, curd rice, light snack items)
  • Carry as light as possible(don't overestimate your stamina)
  • Keep yourself hydrated keeping in mind the availability of washrooms(of course the nature is very much open and excepting for such things but still)

P.S: I hope I get to plan more such treks this year and all the years to come!

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